Friday, June 8, 2007

Laws of Lifetime Growth

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

- Chinese Proverb -

everything in this world has law....every elements are controlled with the laws of nature..
there is one law that is constant and will never change..the law of growth.
our body represents the earth. and the earth represents the life.

in every second of our life, the cells in our body is splitting and growing.
the cells are growing according to the internal and external conditioning......
whether you like it or not.......YOUR BODY IS GROWING ANYWAY.....

it means that...if you don't take care yourself..bad cells, such as cancer...will grow anyway in your body....

the choice is either growing to become better or worse......

the same thing applies to our mind and life..

if we choose to be lazy and decide not to grow.....we are indeed choosing to grow become worse than before..
in fact it's not that we are falling behind...but we are speeding behind and build stronger walls for comfort zone....thus, it will double the efforts to go back to the origin point before we fall back

so what happen if we decide to grow, even if it's seems like insignifcant growth..?
I believe, we will feel content and fully alive.....
let's not go against the law of nature, but be harmonized and ride the wave of growth...
don't resist the constant change, but utilize the change for greater good.

I would like to pass along a few growth principles to guide you in your daily journey of leadership growth. This lesson draws heavily upon a brilliant resource, The Laws of Lifetime Growth, authored by Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura. You may visit their website at

Law #1 – Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past.

“The past is useful because it is rich with experiences that are worth thinking about in new ways-and all of these valuable experiences can become raw material for creating an even bigger future. Approach your past with this attitude, and you will have an insatiable desire for even better, more enjoyable experiences. Use your past to continually create a bigger future, and you will separate yourself from situations, relationships, and activities that can trap you there.”- Sullivan & Nomura Thoughts about the Future:

Abraham Lincoln said, “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.” The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. We spend each day either repairing the past or preparing for the future. We can try to fix our past, but we can’t rewrite it; we can only author our future.

The future is that time when you’ll wish you had done what you aren’t doing now. Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

Law #2 – Always Make Your Contribution Bigger Than Your Reward.
“As you become more successful, numerous rewards will come your way: greater income, praise, recognition, reputation, status, capabilities, resources, and opportunities. These are all desirable things, but they can be growth stoppers. They may tempt you to become fixated on just the rewards, rather than focus on making still greater contributions. The way to guarantee that rewards will continually increase is to not think too much about them. Instead, continue making an even more significant contribution.” - Sullivan & Nomura

Thoughts on Contribution
To make your contribution bigger than your reward, adopt an anti-entitlement attitude. Believe you must give before you receive. Expect to serve before feeling like you deserve a reward. Determine success by the seeds you sow rather than the harvest you reap. Each morning, I ask myself, “Who can I add value to and how can I do it?” It’s amazing how much I’ve been able to contribute by answering this simple question each day and following through to help a friend or colleague.

Law #3 Always Make Your Performance Greater Than Your Applause.
“The greatest performers in all fields are those who always strive to get better. No matter how much acclaim they receive, they keep working to improve their performance. Continually work to surpass everything you’ve done so far, and your performance will always be greater than your applause.”- Sullivan & Nomura

Thoughts on Performance
To make sure your performance stays a step ahead or your applause, be growth-driven instead of goal-driven. I’m not criticizing goals, but if we aren’t careful, they can limit our growth. If we set them too high, they de-motivate us. If we set them too low, we are tempted to relax when we hit them rather than pushing for our best performance. Growth is a long and consistent process. No substitutions can be made or shortcuts taken which avoid the day-to-day process of growth.

Law #4 – Always Make Your Gratitude Greater Than Your Success.
“Only a small percentage of people are continually successful over the long run. These outstanding few recognize that every success comes through the assistance of many other people – and they are continually grateful for this support.” –Sullivan & Nomura

Thoughts on Gratitude:
We see the value in people and things through proactive gratitude. Once we see this value, we naturally treat these people and things with greater respect. People and resources are drawn to where they are valued most. The world responds to gratitude by making more of everything we appreciate available to us.

To adopt an attitude of thankfulness, Oprah Winfrey keeps a gratitude journal. She recommends her habit to others: “Every night, list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change your perspective of your day and your life. If you can learn to focus on what you have, you will always see that the universe is abundant; you will have more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”

Review: Laws of Lifetime Growth
Always Make the Future Bigger Than Your Past.
Always Make Your Contribution Bigger Than Your Reward.
Always Make Your Performance Greater Than Your Applause.
Always Make Gratitude Greater Than Your Success.

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