Monday, September 29, 2014 - SHOWING UP FOR YOUR FUTURE


“Great things might show up in our life when we simply just show up to new things.” – J. Hariyanto

The greatest, yet the scariest thing about life is that it presents us with endless possibilities and opportunities.  We are told that we can be anything we want, but not everything.  One of the prominent characteristics of successful people is that they are focus in what they are passionate about in life.  Thus, the most important questions for us would be, “What do we want to become in the future?”, “What are the things that we are passionate about?” In order to answer these questions, we are often confused and have no idea at all where to begin.

One of the best advises to start exploring our passion is to “show up”. We have to be open with new things such as seminars, gatherings, trainings, and/or any introductory events that are introducing us to new hobbies, skillsets, and/or paradigms.  Being open means that we proactively find these kind of events and just show up on time. No special skill or preparation required to show up at these events.

I believe that by just showing up to these events, we are opening our hearts and minds to new opportunities and possibilities to seek and explore our passion in life. Showing up will definitely help us take the first step to seek and explore our passion, especially when we have no clue at all.

So, make sure that we attend seminars, gatherings, and / or events that might potentially lead and prepare for our future. And the beauty of all of this is that it is mostly free and all we need is just to show up.



Have you ever felt waking up in the morning, dragging your feet to get ready for your day and feeling bored and unexcited about life? Perhaps one of the strongest reasons why most people feel that way is because they do not really understand their purpose in life. S. Gautama once told that, “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”

History has proven from time to time that people who influence the history of mankind, the ones that are changing and shaping this world, are the ones that are understand their purposes in life and giving their very best every single day from the moment they wake up until the moment they fall asleep. These people, most of the time, would wake up in the morning with such great passion, expectations and hope for the future because they know that every day, they are one step closer to their dreams and goals, closer to their purposes in life.

Life sometime is not about finding your purposes, instead, it is often about creating your purposes. Go Dream Big! Be Proactive, Be Passionate, and Create the best scenario for your life. Your life purpose will not come if you never try new things, or if you never open your mind and your heart to new possibilities or opportunities. Read and write a lot. Hang out with inspirational and successful figures. Be attentive when people share their life stories, achievements, even failures. Meditate and reflect on your life every day and ask guidance from the Almighty to show you the way to your purpose.

It is never too late to start. No matter where you are and what you have been through in life, no matter how old you are, the fact that you are still reading this post, means that a 2nd chance is being given to you to explore what you really want to do in life, and get ready to be passionate about the purpose.

Start Now! Explore Now! Find out your life purpose. Find those things that will burn you inside, get you passionate and makes you truly alive. Whatever it is, be glad if you have found one, and make sure that you give your whole heart and soul to it. And if you have not found one yet, remember what R.W. Emerson said, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have live and lived well.” 

Once you find your life purpose, not only you get super excited and passionate about your life, but you will influence the people around you as well, and inspire them to find their life purposes as well.

So? What are you waiting for? Be Proactive, Be Passionate, Find your Purpose, and Create your own destiny!


Friday, September 26, 2014

Seizing the Kairos! - Certainty in Uncertainty

Being Certain in UnCertainty.

Joshua 23:14
"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. EVERY PROMISES HAS BEEN FULFILLED; NOT ONE HAS FAILED.

I believe that we are living at the very edge of the end time. Love has grown cold. Integrity and Purity has become extremely scarce and deemed to be awkward if you possess one.

The mother earth has gone radically mad. Earthquakes, tornado, tsunamis are getting more and more common these days.

In fact, our day-to-day problems and challenges become much harder than ever before. Families are struggling with confusion, affairs, chronic bitterness, extreme love for money, and generations who have been raised to satisfy their flesh with impulsive actions and thoughts without valuing, or even knowing the importance of delayed gratification for their own good.

No wonder feeling certain is no longer easy to have. Yet, we cannot lose hope. The world might become more uncertain everyday, but we have to believe, without any doubt at all, that God`s promises and His grace upon us is 100% certain. Because the more we live in this uncertain world every day, the harder and the stronger we have to fight in our faith and mind to truly rely on God`s promises every day as well.

Remember and crave it in our hearts that we have to ``Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock. ``(Isaiah 26:4) The everlasting Rock that would not be shaken with anything at all.  ``For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord`` (Romans 8:38-39).

However, it does not stop there. Once we are truly convinced that God is our Rock and Nothing can separate us from His love, we have to be extremely ready for situations in our life, where ``17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Daniel 3:17-18)

Believing that God is our certainty means that in any uncertainty situations, where the outcomes might not favor what we wants, we have to truly accepts the outcomes, love and respect God and His decisions not because of what He has given us, but, for who He really is!

True love will love the person as who the person is, not what the person has done or give to us. IF the level of our love is still in the level where we love someone because of what they have done, then we are similar with those who sell love and attention, in order to get what they want.

Let`s love Him for who He really is and be certain in any uncertainty, and no matter what the outcomes are, love Him wholeheartedly.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Seizing the Kairos! - Lessons from Job

Lessons from Job

Job' suffering teaches us that we have to love God wholeheartedly beyond all the blessings of materials, family, status, and even our own health.

Most people will associate sudden sufferings and depressions with sin and faults with our God, just as three of Job's friends did. Yet, it is not our rights to judge and perceive God that way.

Job's story proves to God, the devil, and us that yes, a sincere human like job does exist. A sincere man that truly love God and honor Him even when everything precious in one's life has been stripped away.

As a human being, Job does question God's motivation in giving him tremendous pain and sufferings with constant silence from God that did not answer Job's prayer at all.

But one thing for sure, even though Job questioned God's motive, yet Job never cease to always seek Him and cling to Him even though he felt that God's presence is not in his life anymore.

The story of Job is in the Word of God to remind us that we need to love God beyond the blessings that He has given us. Are we still love God the same, or even, better in our darkest time?

 I believe that if Job can do it, then we have the biggest hope as a fellow human being to continuously take conscious decision to love God wholeheartedly and tell Him that we truly love Him as an individual.

God told Job twice when He answered Job to, "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me." (Job 38:3, Job 40:7)

Let's brace God's sufferings and temptations like a man! Stop questioning God's reasoning and His divine plans. Let's love Him wholeheartedly even at times when we feel that we have no reason at all to love Him.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Seizing the Kairos - Handling Money

Handling Money

Luke 16:11-13
"So, if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?
And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?
No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

The Word of God teaches us that the love of money is the root of all evil (I Timothy 6:10) .When we ponder about this verse, we often portray a person who has such a great love to money, that would, literally, become extremely stingy and would sacrifice anything, including his/her self and the loved ones in order to get more and more money.

Yet, we might be missing some of the real points about these verses, about the real meaning of loving money and the inability to to handle money.

Loving money does not necessarily means that we have such a great affection towards money. It could also means that we have such attachment to money that we cannot let go our mind from thinking about it all the time. God's children who are still worry about money, heavily in debts, or do not have the proper knowledge in handling their money and assets will not be trusted with the true riches from God! (Luke 16:11-12) . We will not be able to love God wholeheartedly when we know deep inside that we are constantly worry about money and debts that we have to pay. More and more God's children are trapped into consumerism and buried with credit card debts.

Thus, it is time to learn how to handle money and our assets seriously. I believe that one of the main characteristics of the saints that will be entrusted to rule together with God in the New Heaven and Earth will be those who truly understand how to handle money and how to take a good care of it so that the money will expand and will be used purely for the glory of God. Never underestimate the way we handle our own money. Because God's wisdom and True Riches will be entrusted to those who truly understand and have the capacity to handle the worldly wealth well.

If we truly love Him, then it is time to handle our money and assets seriously and learn to refrain ourselves from spending excessively. When money no longer have any attachment to us, then that is the time when we can honestly love God wholeheartedly.


Sebagai tambahan, true riches disini tidak semata-semata digambarkan sebagai kekayaan dunia, tetapi yg terpenting adalah pengenalan kita akan Dia dan misteri2 kebenaran Tuhan yang akan diungkapkan di akhir jaman ini utk org2 yg benar2 mengasihi Dia (Christ in you is the hope of Glory).

Sudahkah pikiran dan perasaan kita sejalan dengan pikiran dan perasaanNya?

Apakah Kristus benar2 tinggal di dalam hati dan pikiran kita?

Inilah mengapa kekristenan itu adalah kasih karunia dan juga perjuangan berat utk memikul salib. Lets finish the race together.
