Friday, September 12, 2014

Seizing the Kairos - Handling Money

Handling Money

Luke 16:11-13
"So, if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?
And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?
No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

The Word of God teaches us that the love of money is the root of all evil (I Timothy 6:10) .When we ponder about this verse, we often portray a person who has such a great love to money, that would, literally, become extremely stingy and would sacrifice anything, including his/her self and the loved ones in order to get more and more money.

Yet, we might be missing some of the real points about these verses, about the real meaning of loving money and the inability to to handle money.

Loving money does not necessarily means that we have such a great affection towards money. It could also means that we have such attachment to money that we cannot let go our mind from thinking about it all the time. God's children who are still worry about money, heavily in debts, or do not have the proper knowledge in handling their money and assets will not be trusted with the true riches from God! (Luke 16:11-12) . We will not be able to love God wholeheartedly when we know deep inside that we are constantly worry about money and debts that we have to pay. More and more God's children are trapped into consumerism and buried with credit card debts.

Thus, it is time to learn how to handle money and our assets seriously. I believe that one of the main characteristics of the saints that will be entrusted to rule together with God in the New Heaven and Earth will be those who truly understand how to handle money and how to take a good care of it so that the money will expand and will be used purely for the glory of God. Never underestimate the way we handle our own money. Because God's wisdom and True Riches will be entrusted to those who truly understand and have the capacity to handle the worldly wealth well.

If we truly love Him, then it is time to handle our money and assets seriously and learn to refrain ourselves from spending excessively. When money no longer have any attachment to us, then that is the time when we can honestly love God wholeheartedly.


Sebagai tambahan, true riches disini tidak semata-semata digambarkan sebagai kekayaan dunia, tetapi yg terpenting adalah pengenalan kita akan Dia dan misteri2 kebenaran Tuhan yang akan diungkapkan di akhir jaman ini utk org2 yg benar2 mengasihi Dia (Christ in you is the hope of Glory).

Sudahkah pikiran dan perasaan kita sejalan dengan pikiran dan perasaanNya?

Apakah Kristus benar2 tinggal di dalam hati dan pikiran kita?

Inilah mengapa kekristenan itu adalah kasih karunia dan juga perjuangan berat utk memikul salib. Lets finish the race together.


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