Friday, May 9, 2014

Seizing Kairos! - The God of Process

Genesis 1 - The God of Process

Our God is ELOHIM - A Creative God, a God that is productive, creative, and flawless  in making His creation. He is the true artist, the true engineer, the true designer, and the best project manager there is that ever lived in this world, because Heaven and Earth and all the things inside them are truly His creation.

I believe that He has the capacity and the capability in creating things, spoken only through His words (e.g. Gen 1:3, "God said,...."). In our mind as a human being, we would think that it is best to be effective and efficient in everything that we do, especially living in today's world, where "time is priceless and very valuable asset that will never come back again". I believe that God has everything it takes to create Heaven and Earth only in 1 day.

But God has a different paradigm. Our God is not a result-oriented God. Our God is a Process-Oriented God. He believes in creating masterpieces, a step-by-step approach has to be taken in order to ensure that He could witness and enjoy the process. That's is why the creation of Heaven, Earth, and the first man took in total 7 days, not 1 day.

It reminds us that God values process more than results. He wants to ensure that God's characters and paradigms are embedded and craved in our life through our struggles and challenges. That is why sometimes God does not answer our prayers directly, because He need to see our hearts, our minds, and our soul, grow and expand through our challenges so that  we become more like Christ everyday.

No matter how hard your life could be right now, enjoy the process and be extremely grateful. Love Him and obey Him more than ever even in your darkest hour. Because as God has created this world, right after "night", the "day" will come. The sunrise always come right after it's darkest time of the night.

I believe that God's given destiny in our lives would be revealed one-step at a time, because He wants to witness and enjoy the process of us becoming more like Jesus everyday, for our God is the God of Process.


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